Spotlight has officially launched!

Spotlight has replaced LATOne and is your one-stop shop for news, policies and all the information that you need to excel in your role at Leigh Academies Trust


In this section you will find tools, resources and guides for managers and employees across Leigh Academies Trust

Training Portal

In this section you will find training resources from Thames Gateway TSH to support your day-to-day role and professional development at Leigh Academies Trust

Governors Portal

In this section you will find tools, resources and guides for Governors across Leigh Academies Trust

Educational Resources

In this section you will find our central bank of resources and information

Our Academies

View all our academies across Leigh Academies Trust

Something wrong with this site?

If you find an issue or would like to give us feedback about the trust portal please email or open our feedback form on the link below.